Missing Classmates

Help us find these missing classmates!  Those on this list haven't joined this site yet, or we can't find an email address for them.   

If you know how to contact anyone on this list, please let them know we're looking for them.  If they don't have email, send a message from your profile page and give us contact information and we will mail the reunion information. 

If you're on this list and have email, please consider joining the site (it's free) so you can be removed from this missing list.  Even if you can't attend the reunion, we'd love to know where and how you are!  Enter as little or as much information as you feel comfortable.  Once you log onto the site and create a password, your name will be taken off this missing list. 

Thanks for your help!


Cathy Ackerman
Debbie Allemande
Larry Allphin
Terry Allphin
Ruth Aurigemma
Patricia Bamford
Kathleen Barnes
Steve Bartlett
Bob Bentley
Terrie Bernard
Roberto Bicchieri
Kendra Biles
Tessie Blodgett
Sarah Blundell (Gundersen)
Joann Boetcher
Jon Bonato
Katrina Boogaard
Emily Brower
Del Brown
Frank Brush
Jason Byrd
Matt Condit
Leonard Dearing
Dave DeWitte
Scott Dittmer
Carol Ellinger
Eric Elmer
Tina Engel
Mark Erickson
Tom Eslinger
Ken Farmer
Chris Fernald
Phil Fitchen
Don Fitzgerald
Cynthia Foster
Rick Frederick
Jody Fuqua
Ken Gaer
Meg Gamon
Barbara Gearheart
Randy Glover
Mark Greenwood
Cindy Griffith
Derek Hall
Mike Hall
Marcia Holmes
John Howell
Gary Huschka
Dave Jackson
Tracy Jackson
Ardie Jenkins
Gary Jenkins
Theresa Jewett
Greg Jones
Jane Jorgenson
Dean Jump
Jerry Jump
Doug Keith
Steve Klampher
Kelli Koford
Harold Koreis
Mark Kresge
Alan Lamb
Gerard Lebrecque
Tony LeFevre
Russ Lister
Tina Lo
Jody Lunstrum
Chris Lybbert
Marie Manz
Jim Martin
Mike McCullough
Diane McDonald
Daryl McInelly
Rocky Melin
Sonna Moore
Chris Mosher
Diana Moss
John Mundell
Ed Olson
Kevin O'Shaughnessy
Wendy Payne
Cindy Pettigrew
Pat Phare
Sylvie Picart
Mike Potts
Dave Poulson
Sherry Prater
Gene Randall
Tracy Reddon
Winnie Redman
Becky Robertson
Colleen Robinet
Tana Robinson
Venae Rodriquez
Dennis Romaneski
Susie Sault
Melissa Sellet
Doug Snell
Herb Snowden
Norm Spurgeon
Sheldon Starnes
Alton Stedman
Tonie Stevens
Judith Stewart
Paul Stratton
James Strohl
Carrie Thayer
Don Thomson
Brett Thovson
Theresa Tierney
Diane Trembly
Dirk Varnum
Ranae Vilhauer
Diane Ward
Denise Warren
Tony Webb
Barb Weinman
Gray Wensley
Brad Williamson
Alana Wilson
Becky Winn
Mike Winston
Teri Wolfe
George Wyatt
Tim Young